Aliens and Robots...

"Me love to eat robots..." 1 of 5 (Monday)
"Hello..." 2 of 5 (Tuesday)
"Ah yeah, over here..." 3 of 5 (Wednesday)
"..." 4 of 5 (Thursday)
"These aliens are quite scrumptious..." 5 of 5 (Saturday)
Finally done... :) May I suggest to never create/post 5 Art Jumble pieces in a week - you'll go crazy, like me (no sleep). Looking back at this series as a whole - it could use some beautifying, more mountainous background elements, clouds, more dead robots (for #1), etc. (I was focusing in on the characters a lot). But overall I'm happy with it - it tells a story and that's the main thing.
Meeting notes...

You try to look away, but you can't...

I know you all have seen this lady...


I always draw myself skinnier than I really am, lol - it does a body good!

Some faces...

Messing around with a brush pen... My good friend Roberto Islas...

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Fizzy lifting drink room...

Oddly, Grandpa Joe and Charlie are the only ones to secretly, or at least discreetly, disobey Wonka by drinking the fizzy lifting drinks and cheerfully floating around in the bubbles. Soon, they are soaring upward into the silo and drifting dangerously near a giant fan that is making a corresponding Giant Sucking Sound.

Charlie: I'm going too high! Joe: We're in trouble, Charlie!

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Mr. Slugworth

This guy still creeps me out - but when I first saw this movie (years ago), Slugworth gave my nightmares... :(